We can all benefit from saving money from time to time. An easy way to accomplish this is by improving energy efficiency throughout your home. Upgrading your HVAC equipment or adding a smart thermostat, for example, provides more control over your HVAC system, contributing to a more energy-efficient home and savings on your monthly energy bills.  

Keep reading to learn about 4 ways you can make energy-efficient home changes. 

 1. Try a Smart Thermostat  

If you still use a round-dial thermostat and access it manually, consider taking a step toward the future by installing a smart, or Wi-Fi, thermostat – which includes numerous features to make your home more energy efficient. 

The functionality homeowners enjoy the most is having the ability to control their smart thermostats from anywhere through their smartphone or other smart device. As an example, if you forget to adjust your thermostat before going on vacation, you can easily take out your smartphone and make any needed adjustments.  

Similar to a programmable thermostat, a smart thermostat enables you to pre-set your home’s temperature according to the time of day and day of the week so you’re not heating or cooling an empty house. Smart thermostats also offer the capability to watch your temperature preferences over time and automatically make energy-efficient adjustments. They even provide monthly energy reports that illustrate how much energy you've used and when so you can make modifications to reduce costs.  

If you’re wondering how to get a free smart thermostat, ask your utility company to find out if there are any discounts or free smart thermostats available. 

2. HVAC Tune Ups 

Regrettably, some homeowners often forget to keep their heating and cooling systems maintained. While this might not seem like a huge deal, inadeq